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The 7 Most Common Marriage Problems Ending in Divorce and How to Fix Them Fast

7 Marriage Problems Ending in Divorce

Do you and your spouse have trouble solving marital problems? Most think that getting married is the most troublesome part of the relationship. Staying married is much more of a challenge because of the different marriage problems that often lead to divorce. Australia has a 1.9 percent divorce rate because of these problems, and correction […]

How to Quickly Save Your Marriage When Your Partner Is Ready to Leave

how to save your marriage when your partner is ready to leave

There are close to 50,000 divorces per year across Australia. If your relationship is on the rocks and you don’t want it to become another divorce statistic, you need to learn how to save your marriage. If your partner is ready to leave you may think that avoiding divorce is impossible, but with the right […]

NeuroCounselling: 6 Ways It Could Help Save Your Relationship Faster


So you and your partner are struggling. You feel like you’ve tried everything you could to make it work, including traditional relationship counselling, but you’ve had no luck. Is it over? Is this the end? Or is there something else you can do to get your relationship back to where you want it? It may be time to […]

Why Online Marriage Counselling Is Not Only for Couples in Crisis

Why online Marriage Counselling

It wouldn’t be unreasonable for you to assume that only couples in crisis go to couples therapy. However, the truth is that online marriage counselling can strengthen an already strong relationship. What do you expect from your marriage? Today, many people expect more out of their marriages than ever before. They want soul mates, best […]

The 7 Things You Must Know Before Hiring an Expert Marriage Counsellor

7 Tips For Finding The Best Marriage Counsellor

Are you thinking of choosing a marriage counsellor to save your relationship? When you start a new relationship, love is all you can think about. For the first few weeks, nothing ever gets in the way. You become so acquainted with one another. You’re no longer too concerned with not hurting each other. You gradually […]

How to Save My Marriage With Online Marriage Counselling

online marriage counselling

Marriage. It is not always easy, and some people decide to give up on it entirely. In Australia, the divorce rate is about 1.9 for every 1,000 people. During the pandemic, this can be even trickier, considering that some people may feel trapped or like there is no escape. It makes it harder to seek […]

Relationship Counselling: 7 Tips for Building a Stronger Relationship

relationship counselling

Whether things are going well in your relationship or you and your spouse are going through a difficult time, it never pains to devote some time and energy to improving your relationship. Because no relationship is flawless, there is always room for improvement, even when things appear to be going well. When things are going […]

Rekindle the Love: 8 Wonderful Reasons to Try Marriage Counselling

Marriage Counselling

The average married couple in Australia lasts for about 12 years, with 2 out of every 1000 people divorcing. This doesn’t sound too scary, but If you’re not too careful, you and your spouse could end up a statistic. It’s perfectly normal for your marriage to lose its spark over the years. However, what may […]

Will Online Marriage Counselling Fix Your Relationship Fast?

Online Marriage Counselling

Online marriage counselling has exploded as one of the most in-demand methods of relationship therapy due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and its strict restrictions. With lock-downs, social distancing & quarantines in place, traditional in-person therapy isn’t always an easy option for most busy couples. There’s no wonder why many clashing couples are now seeking […]