PTSD Therapy Townsville
Helping You Dramatically Reduce Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Other Challenges Which Are Destroying Your Life
Dramatically reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger, sadness and broken relationships rapidly and effectively
Betterminds have a simple yet comprehensive, step-by-step process which reduces and resolves extreme trauma and trauma-related issues like anxiety, depression, fears and phobias.
Results are achieved quickly and safely – without any need to go back into the trauma.
Sometimes life hands you challenges which are hard to overcome on your own. The longer you leave the situation unresolved, the harder it is to get back on track to living a normal life.
When You Should Seek Help
When a certain amount of time has passed after a traumatic event, most people are able to readjust and normalise and move on in life.
With PTSD on the other hand, the body and the mind hold a memory of the trauma as though it is still happening. This creates a permanent state of autonomic arousal, or the fight/flight/freeze response so the person affected stays in the heightened stress mode.
For many of us, trauma is viewed as big and catastrophic such as a car accident, abuse, neglect or the loss of a loved one. However, trauma can also be less obvious such as a parents divorce and can also occur when our immediate needs – emotional, physical and mental are not met, especially when we are children.
Symptoms may be nightmares, anxiety, anger, flashbacks, hallucinations, panic, depression, hyper-vigilance and negative thoughts that interfere with everyday life. They are debilitating symptoms which make it so difficult to readjust into ‘normal’ every day life. They also feel distressed when something reminds them of their trauma, such as a photograph or object associated with the event and it re-triggers the trauma.
These symptoms and feelings can occur months or years after the event. PTSD can affect everything from poor quality of sleep to lack of concentration at work and relationships at home. I can effectively reduce this autonomic arousal by dealing with the underlying cause of the problem so the common symptoms are resolved and the person moves to a state of empowerment.
Better Minds Therapy aims to eliminate the negative emotional or behavioral influence of traumatic events, whether these experiences are remembered, repressed or forgotten. It is not necessary to relive past events or experience any pain. The mind may be cleared, organised and optimised. There may be dramatic improvements in thoughts, feelings and behavior. Unconscious conflicts blocking desired change are pinpointed. As the root cause of problems is cleared, positive change endures.
This process is fast, safe and effective as it shifts the PTSD sufferer from a feeling of high stress and anxiety to calm safety Negative emotions such as anger, guilt, fear are resolved and the nervous system returns to a sense of deep, safe calm, knowing the trauma is over.
Your mind holds the keys to unlocking your emotional blocks and transforming your life’s path…so get rid of them once and for all and live the life you deserve.
We are not changing your history, we are simply reassuring your body and mind that is safe and is no longer in the event.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, you may need to consider help to overcome the triggers and experiences that are affecting your every day life:

Whether you consciously think of the traumatic event or not, memories can be triggered and come flashing back during the day or as nightmares while you sleep. You relive the event as if it’s occurring for the first time.

You feel afraid, anxious, guilty or suspicious. Physical symptoms typically are: chills, headaches, palpitations, shaking and panic attacks.

You force yourself not to talk or think about the event. You also avoid everything and everyone reminding you of the event, such as activities and places.
If you’re experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or are developing unhealthy patterns, choosing to seek out help is an important step towards achieving a higher quality of life.
With PTSD your mind and body retain a memory of the trauma as though it is still happening. This creates a permanent state of autonomic arousal…or fight-flight-freeze response.
I help in effectively reducing this autonomic arousal. By dealing with the underlying cause of the problem, not just the symptoms. I do not change your history, I am simply showing your body that it is no longer in the trauma so the triggers are no longer fired.
In doing so, the common symptoms of PTSD – anxiety, anger, hyper-vigilance, panic, flash backs, depression, feeling defeated – are resolved and you will move to a state of empowerment.
The sympathetic nervous system returns to calm and the trauma loses its power.
Unlike traditional couch therapy, you will not need to go back into the trauma or recall the trauma at all. Even if you have no memory of the events or memories are blurry, it’s still possible to heal.
Using a simple but comprehensive process, we will resolve your trauma and trauma related issues, whether it’s anxiety, depression, fears or phobias.
This process is fast, safe and effective as it shifts the PTSD sufferer from a feeling of high stress and anxiety to calm safety Negative emotions such as anger, guilt, fear are resolved and the nervous system returns to a sense of deep, safe calm, knowing the trauma is over.
Specifically, I can help you overcome:
Post-traumatic stress
Trauma caused by rape or sexual/physical/mental abuse/destructive relationships
Poor Self Esteem, Poor Self-Worth or Confidence Issues