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The 7 Most Common Marriage Problems Ending in Divorce and How to Fix Them Fast

7 Marriage Problems Ending in Divorce

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Do you and your spouse have trouble solving marital problems?

Most think that getting married is the most troublesome part of the relationship. Staying married is much more of a challenge because of the different marriage problems that often lead to divorce. Australia has a 1.9 percent divorce rate because of these problems, and correction is the only way to avoid them.

The only issue is that some couples aren’t aware of these problems. Ignorance like this is a surefire way to have a good relationship end badly. To avoid having you and your spouse go through this, identify these marital problems right away.

Below are the seven most common marriage problems couples encounter. Read on to learn about them and what you can do to fix them today.

1. Financial Problems

Couples will have a fight about money in their relationship. Even with the best of intentions, it’s easy to spiral into an argument when talking about money management. It becomes even more heated when going into the specifics, too.

Talking about bills, mortgages, and existing debts will always overwhelm couples. One may feel inadequate or that they’re doing all the work, which will eventually lead to a fight.

A good way to avoid fights from spawning from money problems is by making a financial plan. Agree on whether you share your money or keep financial accounts separate. Set a monthly budget and quota, too, to keep bills in check.

Discuss these well before dues arrive. Talking at a bad time will only cause tensions to rise. It will become impossible to avoid a fight when talking at the wrong time.

2. Intimacy Issues

Intimacy issues are the most common marriage problems couples face. This is because these come in different forms. Spouses may have different sexual preferences or be unavailable emotionally.

It can cause individuals to think their spouse doesn’t have any feelings for them. These issues often start after the couple’s honeymoon phase and only grow worse if unaddressed. Such issues can even cause you to resent your spouse for simply having a different love language.

Communication is key when dealing with intimacy issues. Keep an open mind and discuss what your sexual preferences are with your partner. Discuss what turns you on and what makes you uncomfortable.

It’s a great way to open yourself to new sexual adventures. You may even find something that both of you like, rekindling the spark. Establishing the bond you both had beforehand will be much easier this way.

3. Infidelity

Infidelity among couples is rampant, no matter how long they’ve been together. Most take this seriously and end their relationships without a second thought. Others give their partners a chance to explain themselves, looking for a valid explanation.

If couples stay together, fixing the marriage is a possibility. Fixing it won’t be an easy task as the incident will hinder communications between partners. A decent conversation will often become an argument if someone says the wrong thing.

You’ll need professional help if resolving marital problems like these is your goal. Marriage counsellors are best suited for these cases as they can help couples understand each other’s sides. Doing so is a great way to face each other without starting an argument.

4. Boredom

Boredom is among the most underrated marriage problems to date. It comes in the form of predictability, having couples know what to expect from their spouses. Most don’t think it’s a serious problem, but it’s a sign that couples are stagnating.

The start of a relationship is always full of questions about each other. It signifies curiosity, which is a part of a healthy relationship. The moment days become boring is the moment other marital problems can arise.

To avoid this, do things out of the ordinary. Surprise each other in different aspects of your marriage, like in the bedroom or other areas of each other’s lives.

5. Thanklessness

Marriage is a two-person relationship where both parties contribute to each other’s future. A lack of gratitude on either side will spawn resentment in the marriage.

What’s great is that it’s easy to avoid this from becoming detrimental. All you need to do is show a bit of gratitude and recognition. No matter how small the gesture is, saying thank you in response will go a long way.

6. Distrust

Trust is a vital part of any relationship. In a marriage, trust can cause strain and tension if it’s not reciprocated. Having both distrust each other will not only strain a relationship but cause it to rot from the inside.

Small acts like keeping a secret or hiding something from your spouse can start distrust. It’s easy to destroy trust, too, so it’s a slippery slope from the first time you distrust each other.

While it’s hard to build it back up, there are many ways to do so. Being more open and keeping no secrets is a start.

7. Pride

Anger and resentment often come from pride. Couples often become prideful because they keep score. It can trigger a toxic, competitive side where they want to always be ahead of their partner.

A marriage is a relationship, not a game for you to win. Having the upper hand in the marriage means nothing if it means you’re being supportive. Allowing this attitude to thrive in a marriage will always lead to fights.

Fixing this is as easy as letting go of the small stuff. Don’t make it your priority to be ahead of your partner. Focus on the big picture and see how you and your spouse can benefit from all the arguments you have.

Learn How To Resolve These Marriage Problems Today

What causes marital problems if not miscommunication and ignorance? A happily ever after need not be out of reach for you and your partner. Manage marriage problems and learn how you can fix them with our help today!

Have you tried traditional therapy to no avail? We can help in solving marital problems by helping you realize what you need to do to move forward in life. Get in touch with us and make an appointment now!

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